The Chest X LAIrning project aims at designing and developing a pedagogical interactive tool for learning how to analyse the anatomy of the thoracic cage on X-ray images. Leveraging a set of pretrained AI algorithms, this tool allows users (typically students in medical radiology) to assess their skills to identify anatomical regions of the chest. After interactively selecting the region they believe to be expected, their selection is evaluated using AI and a quantitative score as well as a qualitative visual feedback are given.
Initiated by Prof. Ricardo Teresa Ribeiro from HESAV, a proof of concept of this AI-based pedagogical interactive tool, called RadiologIA, has been developed by Théo Couthaudier as part of his bachelor thesis done at HEIG-VD under the supervision of Prof. Laura Elena Raileanu and with the support of Dr. Lucas Mourot. Recently, funding was obtained from the HES-SO's permanent support office for educational initiatives to adapt the prototype and validate its suitability for training medical radiology students.
Expected future works include the development of this tool into an educational platform, in particular by extending the range of exercises available. Other regions of the body, other types of medical images (e.g. ultrasound, MRI) or even specialising the tool in certain aspects, such as the presence of implants, could be covered.
Feel free to try the latest version of RadiologIA to improve your skills in medical radiology or just for fun.